Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

Tugas Akhir Journalism

"Megengan" Tradition Welcoming the Month of Ramadhan

Megengan is Javanese tradition in welcoming the month of Ramadhan. Megengan taken from the Java language, which means hold. It is a reminder that soon will enter the month of Ramadan, the month in which Muslims are required to fast, is not to restrain acts which can abort the fasting. Megengan tradition is synonymous with a typical street, the cake “apem”.
Megengan usually done before the last week in the month of Sha'ban. Javanese people usually flock to the grave pilgrimage, clean it and strew flowers on it and do not forget there is also a pray for him as well as some that read Yasin and tahlil. Then cook to share with relatives and in the evening held a feast with salvation or invite the neighbors to pray for the family of the deceased.
This tradition is the heritage that has been duly maintained and preserved. it contains values ​​that are really quite remarkable as well how to relate between human and the other human, between human and God.

Javanese Islam does have a lot of traditions that are typical in the implementation of Islam in  tradition megengan. This is indeed one of the typical traditions that are not owned by Muslims elsewhere.